The most important thing to me on the internet is cat memes, not dog memes but kitties. It's not a unpopular opinion and it seems that cats on the internet has been always a trend and I get it. I haven't always enjoyed cat memes but now that cat memes have perfectly evolved to my taste of humor, (gen Z humor?? ) might be but I am glad that the meme culture has evolved the cat memes from grumpy cat to these golden photos I found in my phone gallery. I think the best thing about these cat memes is the obscurity and absurdity of them all.
I'm Going: Simple, elegant, self-explanatory. This cat is going. The viewer doesnt know where and doesnt need to.
This is a more traditional cat meme, the good old "cat in a weird place" theme. Although the teary eyed cat gives the image a depth that the other pictures of cats dont. |
What is he doing? Business, quantum physics, a manifesto? The user must come up with their own conclusion. |
Bond villain-esque cat enjoying a Martini. Conveying very thoughtful maybe little depressed looking kitty. Is the kitty thinking the meaning of life, does life have meaning at all? |
Everyone loves a good tuxedo, especially with these paws attached to it, strong paws. |
This cat stares at its prey, mood for hunt, milk hunt. Blood of the enemy, dairy industry is the enemy.
Hope, but the sad looking cat knows that hope is't always good. Hope can set us up for defeat. |
Post gluttony despair. Friskies is risque. |
Self reflection.
A modern flirting method. Who wouldnt be charmed by this kitten? |
Absorbed in thought and contemplation. What do these chubby cheeks hold from us... |
I love burgers. I love cats. This is me and I am not ashamed to admit it.
Chaos in a low quality image. The tastiness of the water in the morning.
The struggle of mankind. |
Here we see an evolution of cutness. Soft pillow and soft kitty.
Family dinner.
Deep Slumber.
This one is on an adventure, Cool headband.
The look of fear. I hope the kitty is okay.
Greasy pizza meets fuzzy kitten. What could go wrong? Don't feed your cats pizza.
Distinguished gentleperson.
A modern tragedy. Greeks would be proud.
Purity in troubled times. Small chonk.
Little did they know, it was they whom was a sandwich.
Romance at its core.
Cowboy hat + sausage = Better than Good,Bad and The Ugly.
I wish to be this relaxed. Oh to be a lazy kittten.
Such fragility yet the darkness has absorbed them.
Poop cat: A representation about lack of privacy in the modern age and the looming threat of the police state.
Cat poop on phone: A desperate message from a young cat to keep their handler away from the dangers of the internet. Much wisdom.
oh my god all of these are just amazing XDDDDDD
ReplyDeleteWhen I see something about cats I have to click it and I wasn't disappointed. I really loved the image descriptions! I can relate to the Friskies cat :D — Ioana
ReplyDeleteCuteness overload --loved your descriptions! :DD
ReplyDeleteFFGGkfgk your captions for the images makes this post just perfect. 6/5 would recommend.
ReplyDeletehahah thanks yall! kitties will rule the world
ReplyDeleteThese are great, I love every single one of them!! Also the captions are amazing I especially love poop cat :D
ReplyDeleteWell this is quite something! Impressive blogpost about the center of the whole internet 😺 - Niina